Future Card Buddyfight - Season 2 : Episode 28


  • Animation
  • Action & Adventure
  • Kids

Gao Mikado has been chosen to fill in for Tasuku Ryuenji while he is away for training. One day, an illegal monster appears looking for the strongest Buddyfighter. After being defeated by Gao, he tries to warn everyone of an upcoming threat, but his memories are stolen by a mysterious person. Just then, 100 illegal monsters appear on Earth, but rather than attacking, they go away leaving everyone worried and confused. Shortly after that a "mysterious" fighter calling himself "Death Shido" starts hunting Tenbu using the Hundred Demons. To combat this threat, the Buddy Police forms the Youth divison and recurits Tetsuya and Zanya. Sometime later a Hundred Demons Hunter appears, and Tasuku returns from his training with a new power. Ikazuchi decides to hunt Tenbu himself and reveals that he's released a very dangerous monster named Yamigedo, who devours Tenbu. To reseal Yamigedo, the eight Omni Lord must be found, Drum becoming one of them after Tenbu's death.

Season 2 Episodes


Episodes : 51


Episodes : 52


Episodes : 43



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